Returns an async iterator that yields all entries beneath a given CID or IPFS path, as well as the containing directory.
import { recursive } from 'ipfs-unixfs-exporter'const entries = []for await (const child of recursive('Qmfoo/foo/bar', blockstore)) { entries.push(entry)}// entries contains all children of the `Qmfoo/foo/bar` directory and it's children Copy
import { recursive } from 'ipfs-unixfs-exporter'const entries = []for await (const child of recursive('Qmfoo/foo/bar', blockstore)) { entries.push(entry)}// entries contains all children of the `Qmfoo/foo/bar` directory and it's children
Returns an async iterator that yields all entries beneath a given CID or IPFS path, as well as the containing directory.