interface ExporterOptions {
    blockReadConcurrency?: number;
    length?: number;
    offset?: number;
    onProgress?: ((evt) => void);
    signal?: AbortSignal;



blockReadConcurrency?: number

When a DAG layer is encountered, all child nodes are loaded in parallel but processed as they arrive. This allows us to load sibling nodes in advance of yielding their bytes. Pass a value here to control the number of blocks loaded in parallel. If a strict depth-first traversal is required, this value should be set to 1, otherwise the traversal order will tend to resemble a breadth-first fan-out and yield a have stable ordering. (default: undefined)

length?: number

An optional length to read.

If the CID resolves to a file this will be the number of bytes read from the file, otherwise if it's a directory it will be the number of directory entries read from the directory listing. (default: undefined)

offset?: number

An optional offset to start reading at.

If the CID resolves to a file this will be a byte offset within that file, otherwise if it's a directory it will be a directory entry offset within the directory listing. (default: undefined)

onProgress?: ((evt) => void)

Type declaration

signal?: AbortSignal

This signal can be used to abort any long-lived operations such as fetching blocks from the network. (default: undefined)