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IPNS operations using a Helia node

Example: Using libp2p and pubsub routers

With IPNSRouting routers:

import { createHelia } from 'helia'
import { ipns } from '@helia/ipns'
import { libp2p, pubsub } from '@helia/ipns/routing'
import { unixfs } from '@helia/unixfs'

const helia = await createHelia()
const name = ipns(helia, {
routers: [

// create a public key to publish as an IPNS name
const keyInfo = await'my-key')
const peerId = await

// store some data to publish
const fs = unixfs(helia)
const cid = await fs.add(Uint8Array.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]))

// publish the name
await name.publish(peerId, cid)

// resolve the name
const cid = name.resolve(peerId)

Example: Using custom DNS over HTTPS resolvers

With default DNSResolver resolvers:

import { createHelia } from 'helia'
import { ipns } from '@helia/ipns'
import { unixfs } from '@helia/unixfs'
import { dnsOverHttps } from '@helia/ipns/dns-resolvers'

const helia = await createHelia()
const name = ipns(helia, {
resolvers: [

const cid = name.resolveDns('')

Example: Resolving a domain with a dnslink entry

Calling resolveDns with the @helia/ipns instance:

// resolve a CID from a TXT record in a DNS zone file, using the default
// resolver for the current platform eg:
// > dig TXT
// 60 IN TXT "dnslink=/ipns/"
// > dig TXT
// 60 IN TXT "dnslink=/ipfs/QmWebsite"

const cid = name.resolveDns('')
// QmWebsite

Example: Using DNS-Over-HTTPS

This example uses the Mozilla provided RFC 1035 DNS over HTTPS service. This uses binary DNS records so requires extra dependencies to process the response which can increase browser bundle sizes.

If this is a concern, use the DNS-JSON-Over-HTTPS resolver instead.

// use DNS-Over-HTTPS
import { dnsOverHttps } from '@helia/ipns/dns-resolvers'

const cid = name.resolveDns('', {
resolvers: [

Example: Using DNS-JSON-Over-HTTPS

DNS-JSON-Over-HTTPS resolvers use the RFC 8427 application/dns-json and can result in a smaller browser bundle due to the response being plain JSON.

// use DNS-JSON-Over-HTTPS
import { dnsJsonOverHttps } from '@helia/ipns/dns-resolvers'

const cid = name.resolveDns('', {
resolvers: [


Re-exports IPNSRouting

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