Creates a new IPNS record and signs it with the given private key.
The IPNS Record validity should follow the [RFC3339] with nanoseconds precision.
Note: This function does not embed the public key. If you want to do that, use EmbedPublicKey.
The passed value can be a CID, a PublicKey or an arbitrary string path e.g. /ipfs/... or /ipns/....
CIDs will be converted to v1 and stored in the record as a string similar to: /ipfs/${cid}
PublicKeys will create recursive records, eg. the record value will be /ipns/${cidV1Libp2pKey}
String paths will be stored in the record as-is, but they must start with "/"
Creates a new IPNS record and signs it with the given private key. The IPNS Record validity should follow the [RFC3339] with nanoseconds precision. Note: This function does not embed the public key. If you want to do that, use
.The passed value can be a CID, a PublicKey or an arbitrary string path e.g.